Friday, April 4, 2008

Walks for a Walker

I'm an avid Minnesota Twins fan, if you didn't know. But if you are reading this, then you know me, and you know that I just looove the Twins. However, the Twins have this one fault. Very few of them know how to take a pitch, which means that they never, or rarely draw walks. Which leads me to my donation idea. I need to raise at least $2,200 for the 3day walk, if you didn't realize that from the HUGE ad on the side of this blog. If you like baseball, or even if you don't, you can help out through my "Walks for a Walker" program. Here's the deal:

You offer to donate a certain amount of money per walk the Twins draw (10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, a dollar, you get the idea).

I will keep track of the number of walk the Twins have per game bewteen the start of the season (March 31) and August 1st.

You then donate a total amount based on that number of walks.

For example, if you offer to donate 50 cents per walk and the Twins draw 300 walks between the start of the season and August 1st, you would donate to my walk a total of $150.00. You can donate per week, month or the end of the time period. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

If you what to me out this way, send me an email and I'll keep a record for you and send you an email at the end of every month letting you know how many walks the Twins have drawn. If you don't like the Twins but like another baseball team, you can do this program for that team too. Let me know what team you want to work with, and I'll keep track of that.

I hope you like this idea and you are willing to help a walker walk 60 miles in 3 days!

You will always find the number of walks per game and for the month at the bottom of each post. Thanks for your help! I appreciate anything you can do to help me out.

Total number of walks since March 31st: 11
Total number of walks on April 4: 1

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