Friday, April 11, 2008


Today was a 30 mins of cardio day. I decided to work out on the ellipitcal today. I hate it when I go in the gym and the TV is set on something completely unmotivating and boring. There was a guy on the bicycle who had set the TV onto channel 2 (which is public tv). There was a biography-type show about some concert pianist. This pianist did have any sort of story to tell besides the fact that he is a concert pianist and he played the piano in Russia during the cold war, or something like that. Nothing motivating at all. And to top it all off, the bicycle guy left the tv on when he left the gym and did not even offer to change the channel. Normally, people are really nice here when they leave the gym (and that person set the tv channel) and that person normally offers to (1) turn the tv off, (2) change the channel or (3) ask if it is ok to keep the station on the current channel. But this guy was just being a jerk and left me to watch a tv show about some stupid, unmotivating tv show. Oh well...

Tomorrow is the first official meeting for the walk! My co-pink sprinkles Sarah and her mom are going with me to walk. I'll bring my camera!

Twins WIN! GO TWINS and their walks!

Twins walks on 4/11/08: 5
Total number of walks: 28

PS - Mel's birthday is tomorrow!

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