Saturday, April 12, 2008

1st Training Walk

Today was the first official training walk for the Pink Sprinkles! We started off our day at 8:30a when Sarah picked me up to go to our walk. We were slightly nervous (or I was) because it was so cold outside. Sarah picking me up was exciting, though, because I got to meet one of our honorary Pink Sprinkles for the 1st time, Sarah's mom. We drove out to a shoe store where there was a 3day meeting about proper attire to wear and proper shoes. (Did you know that if you wear cotton socks on long walks or heavy exercising you can create "steam burns" on your feet?!) Basically what I learned is "cotton is rotten." This means that when I begin walking this summer I can't wear any of the tshirts I own because they absorb sweat. Its ok - I love buying new clothes! After these meetings, Sarah bought a new pair of sneakers and I got a pair of great greenish pants! I can't wait to wear them next week. Sarah and I also got pink-striped, pink-ribbon socks!

Sarah was excited to buy new shoes!

Me and my Pink Non-Cotton Socks

We're still warm because we haven't started walking...

Then we began our walk.
Our walk was SO EXCITING! We walked around a parking lot 6 times to equal 3 miles. For about the first 3 laps I was walking with Sarah's mom because Sarah is kind of a stroller and we weren't. Don't worry, I have complete confidence Sarah will pick up her pace. Even though we were walking around the parking lot, it was so much better than walking on a treadmill. Then about the 3rd lap Sarah rejoined us and we spent the next 3 laps coming up with new fundraising ideas. (Make sure you keep reading this post for future updates about our fundraisers!). By the end of our walk Sarah and I were pumped to do these fundraising events; however, we were frozen! Not one of us could feel our thighs because they were so cold. My hands did not thaw out until I got home.

Sarah and her mom in her pink shirt - we were so cold!

We walked our first 3 miles outside and we survived! This walk only made us more excited to do this event! Tomorrow is another 3 miles that will probably be inside because of the cold. Next week should be warmer ... So we can walk outside!

Update on the Twins. I hate Nick Punto, but I guess I have to like him today since he earned the one and only walk today.

Twins walks on 4/12/08: 1

Total Twins walks as of 4/12/08: 29

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