Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Newly Painted Deck

The deck is complete! We have painted it and we have sealed it. Now all we need is furniture for it!! But now that the deck is complete my new goal is to raise enough money for this walk.

I am currently $1300 from the amount I need to walk. That's right $1300. Its a scary thought. I have 8.5 weeks to raise $1300. I hope you have as much confidence in me as I do to raise this money. If you need to know how to donate, just click the link on the side of this post. If you want to send in a check then there is a form once you click the link which you can download and print.

The Twins walks help out a lot! I will be keeping track of these walks until the day I walk. This means that if Aug 1 comes around or August 15 or September 1 and you can't figure out how much you want to donate, look at the Twins walks and figure out if you want to donate 10 cents, twenty five cents, or maybe even a dollar per walk. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

We will be having another fundraiser in August with Pampered Chef. Please let me know if you are interested in coming to the event! Remember, it is a fundraiser for the Pink Sprinkles!

Here are your update:
Twins walks as of 7/22/08: 305
Cubs home runs as of 7/22/08: 110 (the game is currently in the 3rd inning)

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