Monday, July 21, 2008

Keep On Walking

The garage sale/bake sale was somewhat of a success. We raised money, but we didn't sell everything, and we had a lot of baked goods left over. Oh well. At least we each have more money than we did on Friday, right? That's the point of this whole thing...

Yesterday I went to the Twins game with my friends Sandra and Ben and Will's friend Nate and his mom showed up in the 7th inning. It was a fun game to go to and the Twins got a few walks too! I love Twins walks! They also contribute to my walking in the 3 day.

I got an email this weekend reminding me that the walk is only 9 weeks away!! EEK! I got to get walking again! I did 3 miles today, and I'll walk tomorrow, and I'll go to yoga on Wednesday and so it goes. I need to beef up my walking, or the distance at least. I need to do more long walks than short walks now...

Here are the updates:
Twins walks as of 7/21/08: 300!!!
Cubs home runs as of 7/21/08: 110

PS - we painted our deck today. It looks amazing!!

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