Monday, July 14, 2008

Back in Action

I'm back posting now. I had to take time off to study. The past few weeks I have been preparing to take the patent bar exam. I needed to take the patent bar to become an official patent attorney. In the U.S. there are specific requirements to becoming a patent attorney, and the most important one is passing the exam (100 multiple choice questions in 6 hours). I took the exam today. Since the exam is computerized and multiple choice, you get the results immediately. And... I PASSED! That means that I don't have to take another test for the rest of my life! (or I hope!)

It also means I get my life back. I can go back to walking, fund-raising and posting on this blog! Speaking of fund-raising, the Pink Sprinkles are having a garage sale/bake sale this Saturday, July 19th. If you want to stop by and look though our stuff or buy a baked good or two, feel free! Also, if you have anything you want to contribute, baking or selling wise, we are more than happy to take it! So, get your spring/summer cleaning done and bring your stuff over so we can sell it to raise $ for the Pink Sprinkles and therefore the Susan G. Komen fund!

We are also having a Pampered Chef party in August. If you are interested in coming to the Pampered Chef party, let me know!!

Since it is the All-Star break there are no baseball games. But, since I haven't posted in a while, lets check out to see how the Twins and Cubs are doing...

Twins walks as of July 14, 2008: 289
Cubs home runs as of July 14, 2008: 107

On another note, Happy Bastille Day! If you don't know what Bastille Day is you need to beef up on your French History!

I promise to post a lot more often now that I'm back!!! Also, my office is starting a blog related to Intellectual Property Law. Make sure to check it out! You can find the blog by clicking on the blog link at

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