Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank You SBG

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Twins Blogging world, there is this amazing blogger named "Stick and Ball Guy," SBG for short. He is the nicest Twins blogger out there (since Will isn't really blogging anymore). Why, you may ask? Because he is promoting my "Walks for a Walker" program. He is helping me get the word out there. Right now I have about 90 cents per walk donated plus 50 cents per Cubs home run. This is pretty sweet. My goal, just so you are aware is to have enough people to donate $3.25/walk. I have people donating everywhere from 5 cents/walk to 50 cents/walk. Sweet! You guys are truly amazing to help support me this way! If you want to read the SBG blog, it is He talks more than just baseball too.

I went to the Dr. yesterday about my knee. I have a bad right knee (my knee cap doesn't stay in place) and recently my knee has really been bothering me. Turns out a tendon from my thigh to my knee is slightly out of wack (something common with marathon runners who stop running then pick it up again). So, I'm off to get a new knee brace and some physical therapy to get my tendon back into place. I'll consult the resident Dr. (my sister) about this when she returns from Paris. The knee brace is a must. I have had mine since junior year of college, which means the thing is about 7 years old! It has definitely gotten every bit of use out of it that I could possibly get.

Feel free to comment or something to join my Walks for a Walker program, and check back frequently to see what other fundraisers are going on... like the Lia Sophia Party this weekend! Check out the post about it from earlier this month!

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