Friday, May 29, 2009

DINO'S TOMORROW (May 30, 2009)

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to Dino's Greek Restaurant tomorrow (Saturday, May 30) any time between 10:30a and 9p. The Pink Sprinkles as a team is asking for your help. This fundraiser is based on your activity. We are not allowed to remind you, once you get there that you HAVE TO MENTION THE PINK SPRINKLES when you order. Therefore, here is what you need to do:

1. Go to either the Dino's in Edina (66th and Xerses) or Falcon Heights (Snelling Ave) ( for addresses).

2. Walk into the Restaurant.

3. Look at the menu.

4. Figure out what you want to order.

5. Approach the Counter.

6. SAY: "Hi! I'm here for the PINK SPRINKLES and I would like __________"

7. Get your food and Enjoy!

Its not that hard. All you have to do is remember to say "I'm here for the PINK SPRINKLES." I hope you can do it!

I will be at the location in Edina just hanging out with other Pink Sprinkle Supporters if you want to join me there from 11-2:30. I will probably be eating a ton too. Man do I love Dino's. :)

Our goal is to have over 100 people at each location! So come by tomorrow and support the Pink Sprinkles!

Thank you!

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