Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing new is really going on with the walking progress. Yesterday, when I woke up to walk, it was raining and cold (mid-50s). Needless to say, I didn't walk. I slept in and it was wonderful. However, when I got home from work yesterday I did walk. Will was home and I asked him if he would walk with me. He said he would (which is always nice). He was editing some manuscript for a book for a friend so I waited until he was done. In the mean-time I got dressed and played with Hildy. Well, Hildy decided that she wanted to be a "pack-dog" and bring Will her toy dog. So I put it on her back and she walked into the "study" with the dog on her back. Then Hildy came back into our bedroom (where I was) with my bandana. So Will and I started this game. (We torment hildy). I sent her into the study with a tshirt for him to wear when he walked. She came back with the tshirt, so I sent her back into the study with a tshirt and a pair of shorts. However, she kept losing the shorts on her walk from the bedroom to the study. She would look at the shorts, then look at me, so I would put them back on her and she would carry on to the study. Hildy is a smart dog. Its too bad that I didn't get her when she was a puppy or I would have her trained to do all sorts of things.

Will and I walked our first mile in the rain. It actually didn't bother me at all. I needed to do a walk in the rain anyway. As part of the training we are supposed to do walks in all types of weather. Pouring rain, I hadn't done before. You dry off really quickly too when you are just wearing running shorts and a tshirt. My knee brace was even completely dry when I went to put it on for yoga this morning.

The Twins lost last night, but they put in a good effort.

Twins walks as of 8/13/08: 367
Cubs home runs as of 8/13/08: 135

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