Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nothing to do with the walk

This morning I decided to take the bus into work. Will and I are going to see a concert downtown (about 3 blocks from my office) and I couldn't rationalize us (1) having two cars down here or (2) having to drive home to drive back in one car. Easiest solution, walk 3 blocks to the bus stop to be dropped off literally outside of my building.

I loved the bus! It was so nice to not have to worry about traffic, driving, or other drivers. I just sat there with my National Geographic and read about Darwin. However, while the bus ride was great for some reasons, it sucked for another reason.

The snow is begining to melt here. This means that it melts during the day and turns to ice at night. So I'm being really careful walking to the bus stop because some people don't bother to salt/sand their sidewalks. I was doing fine until I go to cross the street. I stepped on some ice, very carefully, and my foot went right through to about an inch of disgusting street water. I'm wearing flats with stockings, so the whole inside of my shoe and foot gets SOAKING WET. I had to walk another block and half with a wet foot, and then had to sit on the bus for 20 mins with a wet foot. Then I had to walk to my building (or across the street from the bus stop) with a wet foot. Wait for the elevator ... you got it ... with a wet foot. Ride up the elevator and finally get to my office where I can take my shoes off.

I normally hate not wearing shoes around the office. I'll let them slide off when I am at my desk, but talk about unprofessional... walking around without shoes. At least I got to work before any of the other attorneys did.

I guess I learned. When it is above 32 for 4 days in a row, wear closed shoes (preferably boots) if you are going to be walking to a bus stop. Guess I don't have to worry about that for a while now because we aren't expected to get above 32 for a while.

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