Sunday, September 14, 2008

Training Walk in the Rain

We are now less than a week from the start of the walk! As in, one week from today I will be walking the last day of the 3 day walk! Hard to believe. It has been an amazing experience so far and I have even made a few new friends along the way. I am now this close to making my goal of $2200. Its kind of weird how things all sort of come together in the end.

Jodi, Melissa and I decided to do a training walk yesterday afternoon. Well, if you live in the Twin Cities you know what yesterday afternoon was like. And for those of you who don't it was in the low 60s, misty, then raining, then wind. And yet, we walked 9 miles. It felt like walking 9 miles in the wind, rain, snow, sleet, and baking sun. Haha. Not baking sun by any stretch of the imagination, but you get my drift. And for some reason, Melissa and I had mascara on. Well, needless to say mascara and mist/rain/wind do not mix. It did make for walking around Lake Calhoun amusing on my part. I"m sure Melissa was glad that no one was really running/walking/biking around the lakes. By the time we got home we looked like a bunch of drowned rats. I had never been so happy to take a hot shower and put sweat pants on in my entire life. The walk wasn't even all that bad. 9 miles goes by very quickly when you have friends to talk to along the way.

I can't wait to get a pedicure.

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